Tuesday, November 9, 2010

grateful? for change

My roommate has this sweet new blog, where she's reflecting every day on something that she's thankful for. Now, I'm a terrible blogger, but I really enjoy reading hers and it's helped me lately to focus on being gratefulM. Pretty soon I'm going to be going through a pretty big life change. I will be leaving MOKA, where I have worked for 3 years and have absolutely LOVED... and I will be starting an internship in order to complete my master's degree in counseling. The past several weeks have been really hard for me, knowing that I have to leave a company that has given me so much, and so many people that I admire and adore, and move on to something new, and scary, with people I don't know and responsibilities that I don't know about yet. Oh yeah, plus the fact that it's an unpaid internship. That's right... no income... for at least 4 months. (Although I'm actually not worried about that part).

Anyway, yesterday I had another interview at Wegdwood and finalized my placement for spring. My anxiety level instantly went down. I've never been very good at change (as many of my friends and family can attest to...let alone changing my life when everything is going really well), but it certainly helps me to know where I'm going. I have a plan now. Yes, I'm still leaving, but now I know where I'm going. And it WILL be good. I am so grateful that the Lord has provided a direction for me, and I am learning to trust Him and know that it WILL be good. I'm also grateful that God led me to MOKA in the first place, because wow, what an incredible place to be. I'm also grateful for the people who have stuck by me the past couple weeks when I've been adjusting to the idea of change- DeeAnn, my supervisor, who has been more excited for me than I've even been, despite all the work that she will have to do because of my leaving, Megs, my awesome roommate, who I can come home to and just be myself, who will laugh at me when I spill my cranvod and mope around excessively, Bev, who has become both my quiet strength as well as my vocal encourager, and my parents, who have always been my safety zone when I start to get scared.

Taking this new gratitude approach to change, I can honestly say that today I am excited for my future. Change can be good, and God has always gotten me through it before. And as much as I have loved the past 3 years of my life at MOKA, I bet it will only get bigger and better from here!!

Plus I've got 2 kitties on my lap... how much better can life get??

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