Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fresh Start

I have decided to start over in the blog world.

Reading through all of my past blog posts, I've discovered that I am not exactly a riveting writer. Unfortunately, the way I write is similar to the way I think, which can be summed up in one word: random.

I blame my random thoughts and words on the fact that I am a very simple girl. No, not simple meaning "slow", although I am certainly not the quickest in some areas. I mean simple as in when I experience something, whether good, bad, or neutral, I tend to experience it and then store it away in my brain somewhere so I can move on to the next moment. This is helpful in regards to not getting extremely emotional (at least not very often) or dwelling on anything for extended periods of time, but not helpful when there are people in my life who are very interested in what is going on in my life and in my head, and yet by the time they ask me, I have already dealt with it, moved on, and want to take a nap or eat some food. It has never been natural for me to talk about myself. Whether that means what happened during my day, what I'm thinking about, things I'm struggling with, or basically anything, it just doesn't come out naturally, for whatever reason.

However, this significant flaw in my otherwise flawless personality (haha I am funny) does not mean that I have nothing to say. In fact, I probably have plenty to say if I actually allow myself to think about it. So this Blog-a-Log will be my conscious effort to put some of the randomness of my brain into actual grown-up person dialogue. Okay, let's be honest, maybe not so grown-up, since the topics I am most comfortable discussing include bowel movements, goofy work stories, and cute things my kittens just did, but I will agree to post consistently nonetheless.

Now since I am technically paying lots of money to sit here in this grad class, I should probably begin paying attention, which means I will stop rambling for now. But before I go, I must make a shout out to the 2 folks that I get most of randomness from....

(Yes, those are guitars on my glasses. I am indeed a rock star. Just call me Rock n' Balls Ganderson)

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